Toka Junior Book Pick
One, Two, Tree
Written by Anushka Ravishankar, Illustrated by Sirish Rao and Durga Bai
The book is a tale of the numerous animals that are clambering up a tree! The book is essentially a number book, but gives its readers much, much more. It is a picture book and a nursery rhyme book too.
The illustrations, which are from the Gond tribal tradition of central India are very attractive.The fonts are big – exactly what you would want for your young reader. The language is simple. The lovely rhyme used to count the animals – makes counting so much more fun! The way the tree keeps expanding to provide home to the increasing number of animals is wonderful. We also loved the subtle message which comes through of living harmoniously. The book ends on a sweet note of hope that yet more can be accommodated on this lovely tree!

Toka Junior Activity
Gond Art for Preschoolers
We explore Gond Art from central India with this box, focusing on the patterns that make this art form unique! We also explore dinosaur fossils, Indian dinosaurs and the relationship between Gond Art and pre-historic cave art found in central India.
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