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Colorful Questions to Ask Kids

March 22, 2016

Children love colors. Here are some questions based on colors you can ask your kids to pique their curiosity in Science. Go ahead, the answers are in simple language, they will never suspect science lessons!

Why is the sky blue?

All objects take in (absorb) and spill out (reflect) light. We usually see the color that's spilled out. Sunlight is made up of different colors that we see as white. In the case of the sky, the sun emits white light(which contains all the colors) and the air molecules absorb all the colors and scatters blue light. Hence the blue color.

Why is snow white?

The snow, which is nothing but Ice crystals is white simply because it doesn't absorb any color from the Sunlight but reflects all the colors.

How does a rainbow form?

Sunlight is made up of different colors but all we see is white. When the sunlight enters a raindrop, it separates the white light into many colors. The color that comes out of the raindrop (that is, what we see) depends on the angle in which light enters the raindrop. When sunlight enters millions of such droplets, a rainbow is formed.

Why is petrol/oil in water colorful?

Oil and Water do not mix, The layer of oil on water is thick at some places and thin at some places. When light enters this, some of it is reflected back by the oil, some travels through to the water and is reflected back by the water. Hence we see a rainbow-like formation.

This rainbow-like color changes colors as you see it from different angles. This is called Iridescence (Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow). You can see Iridescence in soap bubbles as well as on a CD.

Why are School Buses yellow?

Yellow is the color that gets your attention faster. Even if you are seeing straight ahead, you can spot yellow objects along the corners of your eye faster than any other object. So, school buses are yellow for safety purposes.

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